Abay Dental

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    What is a Dental Bridge?

    Dental bridges are a form of dental restoration used to replace missing teeth. The gap formed due to missing teeth or tooth loss is filled with the dental bridge method. It is usually made of porcelain, gold, or a combination of the two; can be fixed or removed. Dental bridges can be made in a single session by our dentists at ABAY DENTAL CENTER, but it is important to protect the teeth adjacent to the bridge. That’s why you need to keep up with regular dentist visits and brush your teeth twice a day. Many bridges can be placed in a single session. Dental bridge treatment usually produces a small amount of discomfort, but many people at ABAY DENTAL CENTER find the results well worth it. If you have mild tooth decay, it may be necessary to remove the bridge and replace it within six months. A new bridge can be fitted once your mouth or gums have healed.


    How does the dentist decide whether a bridge is needed?

    The dentist diagnoses the need for a bridge by examining the teeth on both sides of the gap where a tooth is missing. The dentist also considers teeth that may have been displaced, touching each other, or overlapping. How much bone remains in the jaw is another important issue; because this helps determine if a bridge is needed.

    Dentists can use a dental X-ray to help determine if there are any gaps in the teeth that could cause future problems, such as an infection. This is an important factor in determining whether it would be best to have a root canal treatment before performing a bridging procedure. The type of bridge the dentist makes depends on the situation. Most bridges require some teeth to be removed to accommodate jaw movement, and some type of metal is used to serve as the foundation for the new tooth. The metal frame is attached to either side of the mouth where the new tooth will eventually be placed so that once in place, it comes into contact with one or more of the natural teeth next to it.


    What are the types of dental bridges?

    There are four types of dental bridges.

    • Implant-supported bridges: During this procedure, an implant for missing teeth is surgically placed in the patient’s jawbone.
    • Resin dental bridge: This type of bridge is usually an operation on the front teeth. With this process, porcelains are adhered to both sides of the tooth cavity.
    • Traditional fixed bridges: This method involves making the patient’s tooth a little smaller and crowning it with a special adhesive.
    • Cantilever bridges: A cantilever bridge is not common today, it is a type of bridge consisting of a single crown used when there is a gap on only one side of the natural tooth.


    What are the advantages of dental bridges?

    Dental bridges have many benefits in terms of both aesthetics and oral and dental health.

    • Dental bridges help you chew food more strongly.
    • It makes you smile more naturally.
    • It prevents the loss of jaw bone and normalizes the facial structure.
    • It prevents the displacement of other teeth by moving.
    • It prevents speech disorders caused by missing teeth.
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